In addition to her own modeling work, she is a partner at a boutique modeling agency in Los Angeles and runs her own photography studio with her longtime boyfriend Jullien Herrera. “The older I get, the more I have grown as a woman because I truly understand who I am as an individual and stand strong behind my core values,” she previously told Sports Illustrated. “I’m a lot more confident in who I am as a person, and it feels amazing.” Find out all about Clauson’s celebrated career and how she made a mint.
How did Hailey Clauson become famous?
Sports Illustrated Swimsuit model Hailey Clauson stepped into the spotlight when she was just a child model, and she’s followed that calling ever since. Born in Thousand Oakes, California, Clauson began modeling at 13 years old, when she showed up to a casting call for Ford Models. “I was in eighth grade, already 5'11” and I looked a lot older than I was. I didn’t fit in,” Clauson told Fashionista in 2016. The prestigious modeling agency signed her on the spot. At 15 years old, Clauson began doing runway modeling for top designers like Diane von Furstenberg, DKNY, and Oscar de la Renta. Her precocious Fashion Week debut landed those designers in a bit of hot water, because the Council of Fashion Designers of America had recently banned runway models under the age of 16. (“I didn’t know. I was just working,” Clauson told Fashionista.) Now 27, Clauson, who has appeared in the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue six times (beginning with a 2015 shoot when she was just 18), has taken charge of her career.
Where is Hailey Clauson from?
Clauson is a native of Thousand Oaks, California.
Where does Hailey Clauson live?
Clauson currently lives in New York City.
What is Hailey Clauson’s net worth?
According to the expert guestimators at Celebrity Net Worth, who state that their numbers “are fact-checked and confirmed by a team of editors and industry insiders,” Clauson is currently worth approximately $2 million.
What happened with Hailey Clauson and Urban Outfitters?
Despite the age controversy, Clauson continued to book work—and somehow, landed at the center of two more fashion-world controversies. In 2011, Clauson’s parents sued Urban Outfitters for $28 million for selling a T-shirt printed with a sexy image of Clauson, then 15, without their permission. (The case was settled in 2013.) Then in 2012, 16-year-old Clauson appeared in a widely criticized Pop Magazine editorial. In one of the images, she was photographed with a male hand choking her. In others, she posed alongside naked adult models. “For a magazine to sexualize violence against women in this way is frankly disgusting… But to do this to a teenaged girl, when teenaged girls are among the groups most at risk of suffering violence at the hands of the men in their lives, is arguably even more offensive," wrote the website Jezebel.
How much does Hailey Clauson make per episode?
Clauson doesn’t act regularly, but she has made several screen appearances (mostly talk shows to promote SI Swimsuit), her payments for which haven’t been reported. Her credits include Jay-Zand Alicia Keys’ music video for “Empire State of Mind” in 2011 when she was just 16. Clauson also appeared in the 2019 Vogue mini-docuseries The Models. Her most memorable TV appearance may just be this episode of Wild n Out, a snippet of which you can watch below. She also shows her comedic chops in this 2017 Funny or Die short which is likely only a slight exaggeration of what she deals with almost every day. Next, see the most iconic throwback Sports Illustrated Swimsuit cover models then and now.