One way to recognize the journey of these survivors is to find actionable ways to participate in World Cancer Day, which takes place every Feb. 4. The goal of the annual initiative, led by the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC), is to provide worldwide education and awareness, as well as inspire action to ensure life-saving cancer treatments are available for all. The day is also a reminder of the hard battles that many have fought and a celebration of survivors around the globe. spoke with some experts to bring you this guide to ways in which you can take action this World Cancer Day to support cancer survivors around the world.
How to Help on World Cancer Day
Provide support in any way that you can
“As someone who has known so many people who have battled cancer, just being there for them is extremely important,” says Daniel Ulbricht, co-founder of Dance Against Cancer. And World Cancer Day is a great way to check in and do this. Reach out to survivors that you know. Touch base to see how they are doing and find ways to brighten their days any way that you can. “Sometimes it’s hard for both patients and survivors to accept support, so look to small gestures that have a big impact, like coordinating a Zoom or FaceTime catch-up, making plans to go on a socially distant walk or have a virtual movie night,” says Ulbricht. Actively listen to what they’re feeling, both positive and negative or drop off a thoughtful gift that will make them smile.
Encourage self-care
“We hear so much about self-care these days, but it’s especially important for cancer thrivers to incorporate activities such as soothing baths, meditation and yoga into their lives,” says Melissa Berry, the Cancer Fashionista. She explains that it may be challenging for survivors to take it upon themselves to work these practices into their day-to-day routines because they’re overwhelmed with doctor appointments, anxious about upcoming surgeries, scans and results. Thus, encouraging self-care any way that you can is helpful. “Consider sending them a care package with bath salts, candles and even a yoga mat to ensure that they’re taking time out for themselves,” says Berry. She also suggests gifting things like the Peloton digital app ($12.99/month), which offers up a wide variety of meditations, yoga classes and even more advanced exercise classes that they can enjoy once they’ve completed treatment.
Organize an event
Put together a car wash, neighborhood donation drive or discount takeout night at a local restaurant, with the proceeds benefiting a cancer organization in your loved one’s honor. Love to cook? Host a virtual cooking class; allow people to sign up via a donation, and have that money benefit a cancer organization. The official website of World Cancer Day provides this guide with tips on how to get started and ideas for event planning.
Spread the word on social media
Help to raise awareness by sharing cancer stats on your social media pages. Post about a friend with an inspiring survival story. Share information about lesser-known forms of cancer that have affected you. Download and share the World Cancer Day official banner on your page. And Jenna Liphart Rhoads Ph.D., RN, a CNEAdvisor at NurseTogether, says you could also “wear the color that is designated to the survivor’s particular cancer that they battled (ex: pink for breast cancer) and post a photo of yourself on social media explaining that you are wearing the color in support.”
Make a donation
You can visit to make a donation to World Cancer Day directly. You can also donate directly to organizations like the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network, Breast Cancer Research Foundation or the Skin Cancer Foundation. Donations are a great for those who want to get involved but don’t have a lot of free time to help out.
Encourage them to talk to someone
A cancer diagnosis and battle can be a lot to handle, both physically and mentally. Be a listening ear for your loved one and if you feel like they need additional support, recommend that they talk to a professional. You could refer them to a therapist or suggest that they join a cancer support group. There are all sorts of groups dedicated toward pairing patients with specific types of cancer together, as well as groups designated specifically for survivors. You can find some good resources at places like Your Cancer Story or American Cancer Society.
Show empathy
“Empathy is key when helping a friend or loved one cope with a cancer diagnosis and treatment,” explains David Wakefield, Ph.D., psychologist on the behavioral health team at Cancer Treatment Centers of America in Tulsa. He explains that the more social support people have while going through a crisis, the better they may be able to cope. “To be empathetic means you’re making an effort and that you’re taking time to understand because you care,” he explains. “You’re opening up the channel of communication and building rapport and a greater level of trust with your loved one battling cancer.” With that trust, your loved one is more likely to share deep feelings. And in turn, that supportive relationship may help them to better handle any hurdles they are currently dealing with.
Don’t focus on the cancer
Dr. Elizabeth Comen, a medical oncologist at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and advisor to SurvivorNet, says, “There is nothing more depressing to a survivor than to have friends and family constantly bringing up their battle.” She suggests it can be helpful to connect with a survivor on a different level and to leave the cancer talk out of the conversation—talk about current events, the latest movies you’ve both watched or anything else that is going on in both of your lives. Of course, if your loved one brings up cancer, you can definitely talk about it but don’t always be the one to bring it up.
Understand that some symptoms may linger
Cancer survival is a lifelong journey and often includes some lifelong side effects. “Being in remission doesn’t mean survivors are free of symptoms,” says Tamara Sieger, a breast cancer survivor and director of the AiRS Foundation’s Advocacy Program. She notes that cancer survivors may struggle with fatigue, pain or emotional issues such as depression or anxiety from the fear of reoccurrence. “Be patient and support survivors by listening, showing up for them or helping to plan a pleasurable outing, but understand survivors may need to pace themselves,” she adds. Cancer survivors often have to adjust to a “new normal” post diagnosis, which also impacts those who love them. Sieger says to be as supportive as you can.
Understand body image issues
Sieger explains that many cancer survivors struggle with self-esteem or body image issues, whether it is due to loss of hair or, from a mastectomy or other physical changes. “Have compassion and encourage survivors to get help to restore their body image and self-esteem, so they resume a complete and fulfilling life post cancer, with he help of organizations like the AiRS Foundation,” she suggests. You can volunteer to go shopping with them for wigs or agree to start a workout routine alongside them.
Don’t ask what you can do for them, just do something.
“If you talk to 1,000 cancer patients, 900 of them will tell you don’t ask me what can I do for you,” says Steve Alperin, the CEO of SurvivorNet, says. He says, based on thousands of interviews he’s done with cancer patients on the site, and their families, this is a standard tip that always seems to come up. Instead of asking, “What can I do for you?” Alperin says to say, “I’m coming over and I’m bringing fill in the blank: I’m bringing a basket of food, I’m bringing a movie, I’m bringing myself.”
Don’t say certain things
“One of the great things you can do for cancer patients is never say, ‘Oh, you look so good,’” says Alperin. Yes, someone may have lost weight but that could have had happened as a side effect of a cancer treatment. “I think the best thing you can do is treat somebody normally,” says Alperin, adding that the vast majority of people don’t want to be treated like a cancer patient. And one of the worst things, he says, is treating somebody like a sick person in every aspect of their life. “They might be a sick person in a very devastating way. But you treat somebody like, ‘Hey dude. Being sick is one part of your deal. Yeah we can go wig shopping, but we’re gonna, gossip like we normally do,’” Alperin explains.
Show up
Figure out how you can show up. Take 10 minutes that you wouldn’t take normally and devote it to that person. Alperin says that when people get sick, they sometimes have people in their lives who go away. “Sometimes people go away because they don’t know what to say. Sometimes they go away for really terrible reasons,” he says. But showing up is really powerful. “Certain people need money sometimes. And a lot of people need actual care on the dirty stuff of cancer, the hard stuff,” says Alperin. But if you can’t be a part of that, you can still provide a lot of support by just being there. “There are very few stories of somebody who didn’t benefit from somebody in their life showing up for them,” Alperin adds. Next up: 9 Ways to Support a Friend Through Cancer Sources: David Wakefield, Ph.D., psychologist on the behavioral health team at Cancer Treatment Centers of America in TulsaDaniel Ulbricht, co-founder of Dance Against CancerMelissa Berry, the Cancer FashionistaDr. Jenna Liphart Rhoads Ph.D., RN, a CNEAdvisor at NurseTogetherDavid Wakefield, Ph.D., psychologist on the behavioral health team at Cancer Treatment Centers of America in TulsaDr. Elizabeth Comen, a medical oncologist at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and advisor toSurvivorNetTamara Sieger, a breast cancer survivor and director of the AiRS Foundation’s Advocacy ProgramSteve Alperin, the CEO of SurvivorNet