“People bite their nails for a number of reasons,” Holly Schiff, a licensed clinical psychologist, tells Parade. “It is a body-focused repetitive behavior that becomes habitual. It is something people do when they are impatient, frustrated or bored and can be something to keep yourself occupied. Sometimes it may happen during moments of intense concentration. Biting your nails can also be a nervous habit that you engage in in an effort to find relief from stress and anxiety.” Here’s everything you need to know about nail biting—and a few useful tips and tricks to help you stop biting your nails. 

Why do people bite their nails?

A variety of factors can cause people to bite their nails. “Many people repeat the behavior of nail-biting as a way to cope with challenging situations that cause anxiety or stress,” Amelia Alvin, a practicing psychiatrist at Mango Clinic, tells Parade. “Unconscious habits, such as hair twirling and nail-biting, also occur when feelings of boredom or hunger take place,” and nail biting falls under a list of behaviors known as body-focused repetitive disorders (or BFRDs), which are little habits that, when done often enough, can cause harm.

Is nail biting really that bad?

While nail biting in and of itself isn’t bad, it can lead to several health problems. “Most of the time, nail biting is a harmless cosmetic problem,” Schiff tells Parade. “That being said, severe and constant nail biting can lead to dental problems, infection and other medical issues.” What kinds of issues? “Besides soreness of the nails and surrounding skin, you can develop abnormal-looking nails, fungal infections and/or cause harm to your teeth.” You can also become sick because both your hand and fingers carry germs and, when you bite your nails, it is easy to pass bacteria and viruses from your fingers to your mouth.

Are there any health risks or long-term effects of nail biting? 

As mentioned, nail biting can make you sick. It can also cause discomfort, swelling and pain, particularly at or near the nail bed. But is it dangerous? Well, yes and no. While nail biting won’t send you to the ER, deep wounds can get infected. “The most severe health risk is that unconscious nail biting can cause you to bite the soft tissues of the skin around the nail,” Alvin says. “If this happens, it can cause unbearable pain until the inner wound heals. Nail biters are also at a higher risk of swallowing bacteria that transfer to their nails from their surroundings.” Other long-term effects of nail biting include:

Greater likelihood of ingrown nailsGerms can affect your teeth and gums and cause bad breath  Biters are susceptible to bacterial and fungal growths on or near the nail

How to stop biting your nails

Biting your nails may be a bad habit, but there’s good news: like all habits, it is one you can break with time, patience, and a little work.  The American Academy of Dermatology Association offers several tips and tricks, including practical strategies, like keeping your nails clipped short and mental exercises.  Other ways to stop or prevent nail biting include:

Get regular manicures. Investing in your body (and nails) may make you think twice before biting them.Cover the nail in an off-putting substance, like jalapenos or salt. You can also apply a bitter polish. “These aren’t harmful,” Schiff tells Parade. “But if you do put your nails in your mouth, the bitter taste acts as a deterrent and overtime should train your brain to decrease your nail biting.”Find a way to keep your hands and mouth busy. Alvin tells Parade that one way to abstain “from nail biting is by making use of a stress ball or clickable pen.” Fidgets are also great distractions, and if you are looking for a way to keep your mouth busy, try chewy candy or gum.Identify your triggers and find an alternative. It’s important to understand why you bite your nails. “Be mindful of what particular thing or emotion triggers you to bite your nails,” Alvin says. Take notice of feelings or the cause. “Once you identify the triggers, you can have better control over this habit.”

That said, the AADA also notes that nail-biting might be a sign of emotional or psychological distress. If you’ve tried to stop biting your nails and can’t, you may want to contact your doctor. “Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can help identify unhelpful behavior patterns and replace them with different behaviors,” Schiff says. CBT will also help you figure out emotional triggers and the cause.”


“Nail Biting: When Does It Go Too Far?” Cleveland Clinic.Holly Schiff, a licensed clinical psychologist Amelia Alvin, a psychiatrist “How to Stop Biting Your Nails.” American Academy of Dermatology Association.