“In sixth grade, there was a subject called current events and we did a quiz every week and I was like, so hardcore about this quiz,” Van Ness (who is “equally great” with he, they or she pronouns) recently told Parade.com. “Every Friday was like, ‘I’m going to get 10 out of 10 today, honey, you better watch out.’ And my class would be like, ‘What are you so intense about?’” Today, Van Ness is channeling his thirst for learning into a less cutthroat but equally entertaining venture as the host of his own Netflix series, Getting Curious With Jonathan Van Ness—which started years ago as a podcast and is now making the leap to the small screen. The first season’s six episodes—with titles like “Are Skyscrapers Huge Divas?” and “Why Don’t You Love Figure Skating As Much As I Do?”—make it clear that JVN is thrilled to be able to take fans along on his obsessive deep-dives, even when those rabbit holes lead to, say, eating crickets. (The best ones, Van Ness tells us, were the ones served with guacamole.) Ahead of Getting Curious’ Jan. 28 premiere, Van Ness talked with Parade.com about how the show came to be, if fans are in store for more Queer Eye beyond Season 6, what scared them the most about shooting their new series and what your hair needs most to survive the winter.

Tell us how your Getting Curious podcast evolved into a Netflix series. Who approached whom?

Definitely me approaching Netflix. I’d had thoughts for a few years that I wanted to turn GettingCurious into a TV show, I want to make it more multifaceted, I want to see more experts, I think this would really work. So I made a gorgeous little pitch and I went into Netflix with my big girl britches and I pitched it to them and they said yes, we want to do this. Then COVID hit and everything just came to a screeching halt—and then one day it was ready to go, and I was like, wow, this is such a way to make your first show. It was all really surreal… and actually, I just got teary thinking about it. It’s been such a long road.

What was the a-ha moment behind the podcast, behind the idea of doing something that’s just about asking questions and being curious and learning?

The reason that I wanted to do it was, I want to ask questions and I don’t want anyone to be able to tell me what I’m allowed to ask. Sometimes I think things are interesting, but other people don’t think it’s interesting—I want to ask what I want to ask and I don’t want anyone to tell me that I can’t ask that question. So I was like I’m going to make a podcast, I’m going to call it Getting Curious, and I want to interview people about things that I’m curious about. And actually, the first producers to ever help me put Getting Curious the podcast together, I’m still with them. 

It can feel like we’re living in a time when curiosity is frowned upon and closed-mindedness can rule the day. Why is curiosity such a virtue for you?

Curiosity, in ways, has helped me quite literally save my life. I mean for a lot of queer people, we’re born in places where we don’t feel particularly welcomed. We have to use our curiosity to create worlds where we do and you can kind of use your imagination. For me, when I’m learning, it kind of takes me away. I go into my mind and I’m just immersed in this thing that I’m learning about and I think that is so fun. 

Shooting this series, what was the most surprising thing you found yourself doing? The moment where you were like, “What did I get myself into?”

That would be in the slug episode. I was at the New Jersey Department of Agriculture learning about insects. Also when I’m interviewing the construction crew and I was in that temporary elevator at the construction site and I screamed so loud that I shorted out my microphone. I’m sure they’re very safe, I just don’t like heights, which I guess I should have thought about before I did an episode about skyscrapers. I thought I was going to learn about the architecture and then the next thing I knew I was curious about the construction, I was curious about their impact, it was like a whole thing. But yeah, I was really nervous up there.

It’s winter and you’re Jonathan Van Ness, so I have to ask about the winter skincare or haircare must-haves you recommend.

In the winter, I do need that Omega Repair Cream [from Biossance, a brand Van Ness works with], so that’s essential for sure. And then my JVN hair care…. the pre-wash scalp oil is really amazing for all of us dealing with winter scalp. When you’re wearing hats and it’s cold. Especially if you go a long time between washes, pre-wash scalp oil is really good. So that’s what I would tell you to do… pre-wash scalp oil is so good for everyone. If you have a scalp, if you have hair, it’s just so good.

I have those things! Queer Eye Season 6 has received great reviews. How do you think the series manages to keep stretching boundaries?

First, I have to give credit to Jennifer Lane, who is the showrunner of Queer Eye—she’s also the showrunner of Getting Curious—and she has taught me so much about storytelling. Our crew is also amazing and so diverse, our producers are amazing… I think that when a diverse group of people get together, and the fact that we just love each other a lot, that helps so that it continues to be a rich story. When we’re all being vulnerable and honest about the things we’re going through, I think that’s a really important part of the show—the bravery, the honesty, the authenticity that our heroes bring to these stories. They’re showing their whole lives and that is such a vulnerable experience.

Do you have any intel to share about a possible Queer Eye Season 7?

I really love you for asking and your lips to God’s ears. We never know anything… but if I could earn myself a spot on the Netflix renewal board I would vote for us getting a seventh season for sure.

Wait, there’s a board of people who decide these things?!?

No, I just made that up. I actually have no idea how it works. If I ever do figure it out, if there’s anyone from Netflix that’s listening—please girl, give me signs! Give me that green light! This interview has been edited for length and clarity Next, Antoni Porowski’s Go-To Pasta Recipe Is This Heavenly Rigatoni Alla Vodka With Chicken 

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