After a likely heart-wrenching 48 hours, Lady Gaga’s French bulldogs, Koji an Gustav, have been recovered. The beloved dogs were stolen on Wednesday by two assailants who attacked and shot her fiercely loyal dog walker while he was out walking three of her pups in Hollywood, California. Just before they were recovered, Gaga posted on Instagram how crestfallen she was and also included photos of the sweet pooches. “My heart is sick and I am praying my family will be whole again with an act of kindness,” she wrote. Gaga also offered a hefty reward to get them back. “I will pay $500,000 for their safe return,” she added and even thanked fiercely loyal dog walker Ryan Fischer for his bravery. “ I continue to love you Ryan Fischer, you risked your life to fight for our family. You’re forever a hero.” Los Angles Police Capt. Jonathan Tippet told the Associated Press that a woman “uninvolved and unassociated” with Wednesday night’s attack found the dogs, contacted Lady Gaga’s representatives and dropped off the dogs around 6 p.m. The woman’s identity and the location where she found the dogs is being withheld due to the pending investigation and the woman’s safety. Lady Gaga was out of the country filming in Rome when the dogs were stolen. The pups have a very special place in Lady Gaga’s heart. Gaga got Koji in 2015 and Gustav in 2016. She also has a black French bulldog Miss Asia who has her own Instagram page. See these adorable pups wearing football jerseys to demonstrate allegiance to their mommy’s halftime Super Bowl show or dressing up like firefighters. Next, Watch Lady Gaga’s Performance at Joe Biden’s Inauguration

Lady Gaga s Bulldogs Recovered After Robbery   See Photos of the Sweet Dogs - 11Lady Gaga s Bulldogs Recovered After Robbery   See Photos of the Sweet Dogs - 35Lady Gaga s Bulldogs Recovered After Robbery   See Photos of the Sweet Dogs - 55Lady Gaga s Bulldogs Recovered After Robbery   See Photos of the Sweet Dogs - 35