If you’re into anime or manga, you’ve probably heard of the “One Punch Man” workout by now, or you may have gotten wind of it on TikTok or Instagram.  If this is the first you’re hearing about this ultra-popular 30-day workout plan, here are the details: The workout is based on the workout routine of an anime character named Saitama who dreams of being a superhero. When he saves a child from a villainous monster, he’s on his way, except for the fact that he lacks serious strength. His solution? An intense workout he does every day for three years, ultimately earning him such incredible strength, he can knock virtually anyone out with one punch, earning the name One Punch Man. The result of this story has been a workout routine everyone wants to try. But how do you do it, and is it safe? Here’s everything you need to know—including whether or not you want to add it to your 2022 workout routine. 

What does The One Punch Man workout consist of? 

“The One Punch Man Workout is based on the concept of working out your upper and lower body, plus aerobics," says Dr. Adam Tenforde, MD, FACSM director of running medicine at Spaulding National Running Center in Boston and an associate professor at Harvard Medical School’s department of physical medicine and rehabilitation. Dr. Tenforde adds that the workout itself is pretty straightforward. Every day, you do:

100 sit-ups 100 push-ups 100 squats 10-kilometer run

There are ten different levels that get you to that point, however. These include: 

Level one: Start with 10 push-ups, 10 sit-ups, 10 squats, and go for run for a 1 kilometer run (0.62 miles, that is).Level two: Move on to 20 push-ups, 20 sit-ups, 20 squats, and a 2 kilometer run.Level three: 30 push-ups, 30 sit-ups, 30 squats, and a 3 kilometer run.Level four: 40 push-ups, 40 sit-ups, 40 squats, and run for 4 kilometer until they get used to this level, then move toLevel five: 50 push-ups, 50 sit-ups, 50 squats, and a 5 kilometer run.Level six: 60 push-ups, 60 sit-ups, 60 squats, and a 6 kilometer run.Level seven: 70 push-ups, 60 situps, 60 squats and a 6 kilometer run.Level eight: 80 push-ups, 80 sit-ups, 80 squats, and an 8 kilometer run.Level nine: 90 push-ups, 90 sit-ups, 90 squats, and a 9 kilometer run.Level ten: 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and a 10 kilometer run.

You do the workout seven days a week for thirty days to start, and ideally, you hit level 10 by the end of that time, but if you can’t, that of course makes you a human being who’s doing the best they can. If that sounds challenging to you, that’s because it is.

How effective is the One Punch Man workout?

There are a number of key points you have to keep in mind before deciding if the One Punch Man is right for you. “It’s very important that you gauge yourself each day,” says Peter Ronai, MS, ACSM-CEP, a clinical professor in the Exercise Science Department at Sacred Heart University in Fairfield, CT. “How do you feel doing this amount of reps? Keep in mind that because this workout is created from anime, it comes out of a fantasy scenario. In reality, expecting these kinds of instant results in 30 days without recovery time is counterintuitive to the principles of exercise science. To see major improvements in strength in 30 days? It’s more realistic to think you’d start seeing those kinds of results in six to eight weeks.” The individual components of the workout may not give you maximum results, either. “Some of the exercises are good, but the emphasis on doing so many of them is not so good,” says Ronai. “Squats are really good.” Sit-ups, however, are not quite as useful here. “Sit-ups specifically, are not necessarily the most effective or safe exercise.” Tenforde agrees with this. “If you do sit-ups and you do them incorrectly, the more you do, the less benefit they will have. “A horizontal pull-up is going to give you better results than a push-up,” says Ronai. “Pull-ups work the muscles in the back and shoulder more effectively.”

Is the One Punch Man Workout safe?

The frequency of motion involved in executing this workout is a potential safety issue, according to Tenforde. “The goals of the workout are admirable,” he says. “The concern I have about the workout, though, is that it consists of a large amount of repetitions—by making that a goal, you do run the risk of acute or musculoskeletal injuries. The fact that this workout is designed to be done every day is a concern. Your body needs time to recover after exercise—that’s how it repairs itself for the next session of exercise you do. In terms of the One Punch Man, there’s no time built-in for rest. And rest is how muscles become more robust.” Balance and rest, then, are key. “When you introduce a lot of repetition to your nervous system, yes, you are moto-learning, but you also could be burning out, or injuring yourself,” says Ronai. “What I think is more practical is to do more reps on certain days, and less on others. Maybe one or two days, you could work out with more intensity. You could take a day off each week to walk instead. I also think it would be better if there was more recovery time built in.” He adds that if you want to try some of the exercises in the One Punch Man workout, “I’d build in 48-72 hours of recovery—that’s just good practice. You should carefully and thoroughly build-up to the Level 10 routine.”

How to safely make progress with the One Punch Man Workout

The most important thing to keep in mind if you do decide to try the One Punch Man workout is to be realistic. “First and foremost, check with your doctor to make sure the workout is safe for you. Then make the workout one key part—but not the only part—of an overall fitness plan. “If you want to try The One Punch Man, it’s important you understand how various steps will help you meet your fitness goals, not just the workout itself,” Tenforde explains. “It’s important you focus on other parts of the process, too, like diet and sleep. “Those things are essential to get right if you’re going to put your body throughout a workout with this level of intensity.” Expect setbacks as well. “You may find you suddenly hit a plateau from over-training,” says Ronai. “If you find yourself hitting the wall with body aches, know that when that happens is different for everyone—so much of how plateaus happen to have to do with whether you’ve had previous injuries, your age, the amount of sleep you get. The problem with this workout too is that it needs modifications to the individual performing it. How well you do depends on factors like your confidence level with the exercises, your skill level, your level of body control in terms of how well you can stabilize yourself.” The bottom line: The more accurately you focus on doing the workout right, the more you can get out of a tough workout like the One Punch Man. Not everyone starts at the same level, so don’t measure your progress against anyone else’s. “The One Punch Man is a system with a very specific protocol,” Ronai sums up. “It’s a system with a purpose, yes, and it could be useful if the right people do it, but it does require modifications for most people.” Next up: What to Eat Before a Workout


Dr. Adam Tenforde, MD, FACSM, FAAPMR, CAQSM, director of running medicine at Spaulding National Running Center in Boston and an associate professor at Harvard Medical School’s department of physical medicine and rehabilitation.Peter Ronai, MS, ACSM-CEP, ACSM-EP, CSCS, FACSM, clinical professor in the Exercise Science Department at Sacred Heart University in Fairfield, CT One Man Punch Workout  What It Is  How to Do It  and Safety - 80