As the sporty duo try out rugby, surfing, golf and Highland games—which consist of manly activities like throwing logs, tug of war and hurling hammers—viewers get to watch Heughan flex his ample muscles while lifting large rocks and kicking a rugby ball. And while we love seeing him in his surfing wetsuit, little rugby shorts, kilt and tank top, and kilt and leather jacket outfits, the best part is that it could all lead up to Heughan diving buck naked into the freezing Atlantic Ocean. But this wouldn’t be a feat to prove his manhood, or some sort of Scottish polar bear challenge. Nope, it’s the result of a bet Heughan and McTavish make over who is the best sportsman—even though, as McTavish jokingly points out, he is 20 years Heughan’s senior. “We should make a bet on your sporting prowess,” Heughan says. “What kind of a bet?" McTavish asks. “Skinny dip in the Atlantic Ocean,” Heughan suggests. “Game on, McTavish, game on.” After measuring who could throw a giant hammer the farthest, lift a huge historic stone, drive a golf ball the farthest and perform rugby drills the best, who will come out on top? McTavish is handsome in a rugged silver fox kind of way—but is it wrong to admit we hope Heughan loses? Heughan is obviously no stranger to nudity, having shown viewers the, uh, best of himself during intimate scenes on Outlander. And while there’s no doubt Heughan is a feast for the female gaze, he’s also extremely competitive—so it’s not like he wants to lose, even if he’s not afraid of revealing the goods. During the contest, he and McTavish still engage in their entertaining banter, and Heughan also shows himself to be totally down for anything with a great sense of humor. We’re loving getting to know the real Heughan out of character on Men in Kilts, and can’t wait to hopefully see more of him at the end of the episode! Check out our exclusive clip below, and tune in to Men in Kilts Sunday nights at 9 pm ET on Starz. Want more Men in Kilts? Sam Heughan and Graham McTavish reveal how Claire and Jamie would get along on a road trip.