What Is Prediabetes, Exactly?

Simply put, prediabetes is the start of blood sugar elevation in your body. According to more Harvard Medical School data, your blood sugar rises when you experience insulin resistance—meaning that insulin, which is a hormone in your body that processes glucose, or your blood sugar, isn’t able to shift the glucose out of your system, so your blood sugar stays high. If your blood sugar is high enough to warrant a diagnosis of prediabetes, you have about a 70% chance of developing diabetes within a year during your lifetime, and a 10% chance of developing it within just one year. According to the Mayo Clinic, you can get prediabetes at any age, although many people develop it after they turn 45. So what constitutes a diagnosis? “Prediabetes is defined by having a hemoglobin A-1 C between 5.7% and 6.4%,” says Mary Vouyiouklis Kellis, MD, an endocrinologist at the Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio. “It means that someone has insulin resistance and abnormal blood glucose, but the level of abnormal blood glucose is not significant enough so you are termed diabetic. Diabetes is defined as an abnormal fasting glucose of 126, or a random glucose of greater than 200, or a hemoglobin A-1 C >= 6.5%. The good news is that there are steps that you can take to reduce your chances of developing diabetes.” You probably figure you’ll notice certain symptoms when you have prediabetes, but you most likely won’t. “Prediabetes generally does not present with signs or symptoms,” says Dr. Kellis. “Sometimes there can be a darkening of the skin along your neck or your underarms—which is called acanthosis nigricans. That can be a sign of insulin resistance. Now, signs that you may have progressed to diabetes are increased thirst, urination, fatigue or blurry vision.” If you have any of those symptoms, either by themselves or together, call your doctor right away.

What Happens When You Get Diagnosed With Prediabetes?

You can find out if you have prediabetes though simple blood testing. According to more Harvard Medical School info, if you have any of the following risk factors, your chance is higher of developing the condition.

Prediabetes risk factors

You’re overweight.You’re 45 years or older.Diabetes runs in your family.You have low levels of “good” (HDL) cholesterol.Your triglycerides are high.Your blood pressure is high.You’ve been pregnant and had gestational diabetes.You’re African-American, American Indian, Asian-American, Pacific Islander or Hispanic American/Latino.

When your blood is tested, you’re diagnosed with prediabetes if on a fasting glucose test, you measure between 100 and 125 mg/dL. On an oral glucose tolerance test, you’re diagnosed if you measure between 140 mg/dL and 199 mg/dL. On a hemoglobin A1C test, you’re diagnosed if you measure between 5.7% and 6.4%.

What to Do If You Find Out You’re Prediabetic

First of all, don’t think you’re destined to develop diabetes, period. A new study by Swedish researchers found that over 12 years, out of a group of 918 patients with prediabetes, only a third went on to actually developed diabetes. In fact, 22% of those patients returned to normal blood sugar levels eventually. “The good news is that there are many things that can be done to help reduce the risk of developing diabetes if you’re told that you’re prediabetic,” says Dr. Kellis. “Changes in lifestyle can significantly reduce the risk of diabetes. Weight loss is an important way of reducing this risk. Even a 5-10% drop in weight can considerably reduce the chances of developing diabetes. Eating healthy and exercising regularly can also reduce your chances of developing diabetes.” Dr. Kellis recommends taking the following easy steps to help potentially reverse your pre-diabetes, and/or avoid developing diabetes at any time.

Eat plenty of vegetables, fiber and lean proteins while reducing refined sugars in the diet

Make sure you pair protein with complex carbohydrates in every meal, and research the best foods for diabetics.


It’s a great way of reducing the risk of developing diabetes. Exercise can not only help with weight loss but it can also improve insulin sensitivity. Shoot for 150 minutes a week. This can be 30 minutes per day for at least 5 days a week or as  simple as 10 minutes at a time 3-4 times a day.

Make movement fun by doing it with friends and family

You can go ballroom dancing with a partner, for example, or go for long brisk walks with friends. You can take exercise classes, do HIIT training, spinning, yoga or Pilates with a group.

Reduce stress.

Stress can increase cortisol levels, which can increase glucose. Try meditation or yoga. Prediabetes sounds like a daunting diagnosis—but you can get proactive and stay smart when it comes to these tips to beat it. Listen to your doc, take any meds you may be prescribed, and stay positive! You can control prediabetes—and live better than ever. Find out how actress Viola Davis coped with a prediabetes diagnosis, and discover 22 celebrities with diabetes.


Mary Vouyiouklis Kellis, MD, an endocrinologist at the Cleveland Clinic What Is Prediabetes  Prediabetes Symptoms  Risk Factors and Treatment - 19